Water purification information

What is water purification equipment

Views : 79433
Update time : 2021-08-16 15:27:46
Common water purification equipment includes not only household water purifiers, commercial water purifiers and industrial water purifiers. In areas with poor water quality, drinking water difficulties, and densely populated areas, when daily water (washing vegetables, boiling water, cooking, bathing), etc., is affected, only one household Water purifiers are difficult to solve the problem, and large-scale water purification equipment can come in handy at this time. In terms of function, the large-scale water purifier mainly compensates for the limitation of the water supply capacity of the small-scale water purifier, and can meet the water use problems of a large area of ​​people at different levels.
The process of small-scale water purification equipment originated from large-scale industrial water purification equipment. Large-scale water purification equipment has not received the attention of the public. The reason is that the public does not have a strong concept of healthy drinking water, until drinking water, mineral water, bottled water and other drinking water sources are frequent After the red light is turned on, the concept of healthy water is widely accepted by the public, especially in some areas that use well water, river water, and lake water as direct water sources. The drinking method of boiling water without treatment can easily lead to the occurrence of drinking water diseases. . Therefore, it is necessary to install large-scale water purification equipment in some areas with poor water quality to further purify the water quality and ensure the safety of people's daily water use.

Process flow
Water purification equipment can be subdivided into: ultrafiltration deep water purification system, brackish water/seawater desalination system, direct drinking water (quality-specific water supply) system, and softened water system.
Ultrafiltration deep water purification system process flow: raw water → raw pool → raw water booster pump → quartz sand filter → activated carbon filter → water softener → dosing device → precision filter → ultrafiltration membrane module → sterilization device → product water tank → Frequency conversion constant pressure water supply → water point
Brackish water desalination system process: raw water (britter water) → raw water tank → pretreatment system → dosing device → high pressure pump → reverse osmosis membrane module → ultraviolet light → ozone → water storage tower → purified water
Process flow of direct drinking water system: raw water → raw water tank → raw water booster pump → multi-media filter → water softener → RO reverse osmosis unit → water storage tank → frequency conversion controller → booster pump → disinfection system → water supply pipe network → water point
Process flow of softened water system: raw water → raw water tank → raw water booster pump → quartz sand filter → activated carbon filter → water softener → water storage tank → booster pump → water point

Equipment unit
The pretreatment system includes two parts: quartz sand filter and activated carbon filter.
Quartz sand filter: filled with quartz sand to absorb rust, silt, and large particles of impurities in the water to reduce turbidity and ensure the effect of lower-level filtration.
Activated carbon filter: filled with activated carbon to absorb colloids, organics, bleaching powder and other organic solvents in the water to ensure the lower filtering effect
Softener: Filled with water softening resin to remove calcium and magnesium plasma in the water, reduce water hardness and ensure the lower filtering effect
Precision filter: filter out particles and bacteria above 0.2um in the water, achieve high-precision filtration, and ensure the requirements of reverse osmosis into the water.
Reverse osmosis unit: The RO membrane effectively removes charged ions, inorganic substances, colloidal particles, bacteria and organic substances in the water, and efficiently desalinates to produce pure water.
Ultrafiltration membrane module: Utilizing the membrane separation technology of ultrafiltration pressure difference, the filtration accuracy can reach 0.01 micron, which can filter out harmful substances such as rust, sediment, bacteria, macromolecular organics, etc., and retain some minerals that are beneficial to the human body. element.

Application field
Water purification equipment is mainly used in the purification of domestic water in large-scale industrial areas and residential areas, office buildings, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, and water purification in nearby areas such as oil fields, coal mines, and mines.
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