Water purification information

What kind of water purifier is more suitable for milk tea shops?

Views : 71084
Update time : 2021-09-23 17:32:37
Many people think that the water purifier is a dispensable device for the milk tea shop. You may feel that it is enough to boil the water directly, or use the potable water directly, but this is a waste of time and money. In fact, the role of water purifiers for milk tea shops is irreplaceable. Water source is the most important part of making drinks in tea shops, and the quality of water has a direct impact on the taste of milk tea. So how to choose the right water purifier for the milk tea shop? Let's take a look with the editor below!
First. Can tap water be used as tea?

Nowadays, the main disinfection method of tap water is chlorination. Although it can remove a lot of bacteria, there are also harmful substances, especially heavy metals, chlorine molecules and nitrite in the water. Secondly, in terms of taste, tea made from ordinary tap water There will be a bitterness at the bottom, which will greatly affect the quality and taste of the whole drink.

In many cases, tap water will be contaminated by impurities such as scale, silt, etc. during transportation. Therefore, it is generally not recommended to use tap water to make milk tea directly.

Second. Why not choose bottled water?

1. If the bottled water is not drunk within one or two days after opening, it is easy to breed bacteria and cause bacteria to exceed the standard. Moreover, if the drinking fountain is not cleaned in time, it is easy to cause secondary pollution of water quality.

2. For opening a store, the cost of bottled water is too high, and the annual cost will be higher than 10,000 to 10,000. In terms of long-term development, water purifiers are better than bottled water.

With the popularity of water purifiers, water purifiers have become one of the necessary equipment for milk tea shops. There are many brands, types, imported and domestic water purifiers on the market. How much do you know about them? Today we will focus on two types of water purifiers.

Third. Classification of water purifiers
1. Ultrafiltration water purifier
Ultrafiltration water purifier
The filtered drinking water retains calcium and magnesium ions and other mineral elements needed by the human body.

Features of ultrafiltration water purifier:

Filtration technology: Ultrafiltration mineral water purifier can not only filter out odors, impurities, rust, some bacteria, viruses, colloids, etc. in tap water, but also have an effect on heavy metal volatile organic compounds. This type of water purifier can not only reach users The purpose of direct drinking, as well as the purpose of health care.

The advantages of the water purifier: safe raw drinking, retaining most of the minerals in the raw water, softening the water quality, no waste water, no electricity, no water storage tank.

This type of water purifier is more suitable for most milk teas and tea shops. The filtered water can be used directly for drinks, and most of the minerals are not damaged, and the taste is much better than that of tap water.

2. Reverse osmosis water purifier (RO machine)
Reverse osmosis water purifier
RO machine means that the filtered water is pure water.

The technical core of this water purifier is reverse osmosis membrane (RO membrane). Its working principle is to apply a certain pressure to water, so that water molecules and ionic substances pass through a layer of reverse osmosis membrane, and the most dissolved in water Some organic matter, bacteria, viruses, etc. cannot pass through the reverse osmosis membrane, thus strictly separating the permeable pure water from the impenetrable concentrated water. The pore size of the reverse osmosis membrane is 0.0001-0.001 microns, which is equivalent to the size of a hair strand. One part per million. The smallest viruses must be above 0.2 microns, so they cannot penetrate the reverse osmosis membrane.

This type of water purifier can not only get rid of impurities, rust, silt, colloids, bacteria, and viruses, but also can get rid of radioactive particles, organic matter, fluorescent substances, and pesticides that are harmful to the human body. It can be said that everything except water molecules substance.

Advantages: It is cleaner than the ultrafiltration machine.

Disadvantages: RO membrane pure water will produce a certain proportion of wastewater.
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